Preparing your subject site for start of session

This resource brings together common tasks, themed under categories, to support educators in the setup of a new site, or rollover of an existing site within the Learning Platform. Where possible, each task refers to the Learning & Teaching Hub (L&T Hub) resources, IMTS Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs) or vendor articles.
Click on the headings below to expand/collapse the section.
Access the Learning Platform Management System (LPMS)
- Request a Moodle site
Note: You can create your site as a copy of the UOW Subject Site Template, copy of a previous site, or a new blank site.
- Request your Moodle site via LPMS | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Moodle user roles | L&T Hub article
- Add teaching staff to the site and assign user roles (for example, Teaching Staff or Non-editing Tutor)
Note: If a subject instance is added to the Moodle site, enrolled students will be added automatically from SMP.
- Request an EchoVideo section to house synchronous and pre-recorded videos
- Request an Echo360 echovideo section be created to store Recordings for linking to Moodle site | IMTS Knowledge Base article
Once you receive notification that your site has been created, locate it in Moodle
- Review the site settings and make any necessary changes. For example:
- Add a site image (optional). Aim to create or curate a site image that is related to the subject content and does not include any text.
- Choose a Moodle site format and review the additional site format settings.
- Ensure Completion tracking is set to “Yes”.
Note: Enabling Completion tracking in your site allows use of the Activity completion suite. - Create Groups and Groupings in addition to those imported from SMP (if applicable)
- Moodle Groups and Groupings | L&T Hub collection
- Create sections in the site and give them meaningful names
Logical organisation and naming of sections ensure the site is easy to navigate. Consider the sections recommended in the UOW Subject Site Template (“Subject information”, “Assessment Tasks”, “Topic/Module/Week 1: [Descriptive Heading]”, etc)
Welcome section (Section 0)
- Delete duplicate Announcement forum activities (if applicable)
- Add/update a personalised welcome message to students for the subject (text/video/audio)
- Creating a personalised welcome message | L&T Hub article
Subject Information section
- Upload up-to-date and clearly labelled Subject Outline (as per faculty/school processes)
- Add and link the Subject Readings tool to your site and set up your reading list
- Subject readings and Moodle | L&T Hub article
- Provide information about how students can supply ongoing feedback throughout the session via an open channel
- Gathering student feedback in your online learning environment | L&T Hub article
- Add an opportunity for students to post questions and have discussions with the teacher and their peers (optional)
Note: You may include more than one forum in the site, but all forums should have clearly articulated purposes and expectations.- Creating discussion forums | L&T Hub article
- Strategies for facilitating successful online discussion | L&T Hub article
Assessment Tasks section/s
- Set up task marks for assessments in SMP
- Define tasks | External resource
- Add/update assessment activities in the site with correct dates and settings
- Articulate the alignment between subject learning outcomes and assessments
- Add/update assessment information and resources and ensure they are clearly marked and easy to find
- Consider adding instructions, marking rubrics, exemplars, and other resources and ensure details about how/when students will receive feedback is clear.
- Clear instructions for assessment | L&T Hub article
- Providing online assessment practice opportunities | L&T Hub article
Week/Topic/Module sections
- In each section, include a brief description of the content covered and learning outcomes for the section (optional)
- Add and/or organise learning resources and experiences so that they are available in the context/section students will need them
- Adding and organising content | L&T Hub article
- Best Practices for Hosting and Sharing Video Content on Moodle – EchoVideo | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Key considerations when adding materials:
- Accessibility: For all files being uploaded, use the Microsoft accessibility checkers. Once uploaded, a Brickfields icon will be displayed that allows Moodle users to download the file in alternate formats.
- Grading: review the grading settings in activities to ensure non-graded items are not displayed in the Moodle Gradebook.
- Activity completion: determine which activities require activity completion tracking and configure settings accordingly.
- Link the relevant EchoVideo section to the site (if applicable)
- Linking Echo360 echovideo recordings to a Moodle site | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Adding Echo360 Videos to your Subject Site | L&T Hub article
- Ensure all activities and resources are clearly labelled
- Adding contextual information | L&T Hub article
Set up the Block Drawer
- Add and update the Teaching Staff block
- Adding a Teaching Staff block to your subject site | L&T Hub article
Note: You may also use the Webex or Moodle scheduler in the teaching staff block to allow students to book during your consultation hours. - Add and configure the Completion Progress block (optional)
- Completion Progress block | L&T Hub article
Before setting up your synchronous session, it is important to know what technology is available in the room you have been allocated. To check, refer to 2025 UOW Common Teaching Venues.
If the room is Echo-enabled:
- Request an EchoVideo recording schedule and the room will record at the timetable time and import the recording to Echo.
- Scheduling EchoVideo recordings (on-campus) | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Add clear instructions to the site about when and where students can join synchronous sessions (e.g., Webex or Zoom) as per the Subject Outline.
If the room is not Echo-enabled:
- Schedule your synchronous sessions using Zoom or Webex
- Zoom - Scheduling a meeting within Moodle | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Webex in Moodle for Teachers | IMTS Knowledge Base article
- Assign alternate hosts (e.g., tutors) for Webex/Zoom sessions (if required).
- Webex - Add an Alternate Host When You Schedule a Webex Meeting | External resource
- Zoom - Enabling and adding a co-host | External resource
- Set recordings from Zoom or Webex to automatically be imported into Echo
- Automatically Import Your Webex Recordings Into Your Library | External resource
- Mapping Zoom Meeting Recordings to EchoVideo Sections | External resource
- Add clear instructions to the subject site about when and where students can join synchronous sessions (e.g., Webex or Zoom) as per the Subject Outline.
- Update the Moodle Gradebook (Grades) to ensure assessment weightings reflect what is in the subject outline and that only the desired activities display.
- Moodle Gradebook | L&T Hub collection
- Ensure content with access restriction settings (e.g., date or group specific) have been updated for the current session.
- Managing student access to activities and resources | L&T Hub article
- Hiding activities and resources from students | L&T Hub article
- Check all links and any embedded content are working and accurate, e.g., websites, YouTube videos, etc.
- Consider the accessibility of your site and explore ways to promote engaging and inclusive learning experiences.
- Inclusive learning and teaching | L&T Hub collection
- Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit | L&T Hub article
- Preview your site from a students' perspective to ensure all activities and resources are accessible and display as intended.
- Previewing your site as a student | L&T Hub article
I am a Moodle Site Coordinator; how do I transfer the role to another user?
To transfer the Site Coordinator role to another user, follow these step-by-step instructions.
How do I copy a site if I am not the Site Coordinator?
If you are not the Site Coordinator of a Moodle site, it will not appear in your list of sites to copy. The Site Coordinator can transfer the role to you as per the previous FAQ, or we require approval from the Site Coordinator or the Head of School to enable you to request a copy. Please log a ticket via the Support menu within LPMS or Moodle, with written approval (email) included.
Why can’t I access/find an old subject site?
The Site End Date has passed and needs to be extended by the Site Coordinator (or requested by the Head of School) to allow you access to view it in Moodle.
Can I add multiple subjects to my site?
Yes, when submitting your site request, click Add under Selected Subject Instances, search for the subject instance and add until all the required subjects have been added.