Adding an EchoVideo to a Subject Site
Echo360 is a component of the UOW Learning Platform primarily used for recording and sharing subject videos. When designing your online learning environment, it is wise to be aware of the affordances of the technology. The two main ways of connecting students with the subject video content using EchoVideo are by:
- adding an EchoVideo activity to the subject site and linking to all recordings in the one place or single recordings, or
- displaying video on your subject site via embedding video using the text editor.
Echo360 EchoVideo activity
When to use:
- Linking to an Echo360 course page, i.e., outside your subject site, where students can access all videos connected to the subject.
- Linking to a specific video in an EchoVideo course and monitoring activity completion.
- When you want to view and explore learning analytics data at an individual student level or subject (course) level.
- When the video does not need to be watched in context or does not need to be associated with subject content in a page, book, label etc.
When NOT to Use:
- When video would better serve students and scaffold their understanding by being placed in context with other subject content.
- When a video isn’t part of an EchoVideo schedule (i.e., content within the user’s Library).
Embedding using EchoVideo Atto editor plugin
When to Use:
- When you have created a single video for use on the main page of your subject site, for example, a welcome video.
- To embed parts of a lecture or presentation (i.e., “chunked” content) in a book, page, label etc. alongside other (text) content. Embedding a screencast of teaching staff demonstrating a process, for example, how to navigate a site, using subject-specific software, scaffolding students’ understanding of an assessment task. Another example could include embedding excerpts from a lecture, such as a guest lecturer or speaker.
When NOT to Use:
- Avoid embedding multiple videos on the main subject page using labels. IMTS recommends not adding video to the main page of the subject site as it impacts page loading time and site performance.
- Instead, put videos in a page or book activity in context.
- Avoid embedding long or full-length lecture recordings (>30 mins).
- Instead, add an Echo360 activity to your subject site linking to the video. This will provide students with a similar experience and capture analytics data about viewing duration.
Adding an EchoVideo to your subject site using the EchoVideo activity is a three-part process covered in the following IMTS Knowledge Base Articles:
- For a Subject or Course site (linked to SMP), refer to Scheduling Echo360 echovideo Recordings (Subject Related) or in Project or Training sites refer to Scheduling Echo360 Recordings (Non-Subject Related)
- Sharing video from your library to the Echo360 course
- Linking Echo360 recordings to a Moodle site via an activity.
Embedding an Echo360 video in a book, page, label etc. via the Atto editor is covered in the following IMTS Knowledge base article that steps you through the process of embedding.
Embedding your Echo360 video directly into your Moodle site IMTS Knowledge Base Article
For a much deeper look into embedding, you can also view the Echo360 support resource on EchoVideo: Embedding Media into Moodle.