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Moodle site redesign

Eduardo Pol profile pic

Dr Eduardo Pol | Business and Law (BAL)

I redesigned the online learning environment for ECON 802: The Economics of Global Business Challenges. My intention was to improve student engagement and make the site easier to navigate so that the students could spend time focussing on the content and learning activities.


Redesigning the online learning environment involved thematically categorising my content into modules that were organised using the collapsed topics Moodle site layout. I had separate sections for each assessment and module to help students find what they needed to easily. The following image provides a snapshot of how this organisation of assessment and module sections looked.

Screenshot of a collapsed topics format in Moodle that shows how sections are organised into assessments and modules.

Under each section/module I clearly stated the topics included in each module and learning objectives as depicted in the following screenshot:

Screenshot of Learning Objectives for a module

Underneath this information, I organised topic content for that module using Moodle books. Below is a screenshot of four Moodle books that were included in a module.

Screenshot of 4 Moodle books under a heading that reads "Resources"

Each book had clearly labelled chapters and pages that addressed topics in a linear form and made navigating and searching for information easier for students. Students were even able to download copies of the books for working offline or printing if they wanted. The following image provides a screenshot of what a page in a book and its Table of contents looked like.

Screenshot of a page of content in a Moodle book and a Table of contents.

Content in each book consisted of a combination of written information, readings, and activities to complete alongside the occasional video. I even created books with student questions and activities.


As a result of the redesign of this subject’s Moodle site and careful organisation of content, it is easier for students to navigate and find what they need. I believe it has increased opportunities for students’ active engagement with subject material and learning experiences.


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