Designing and managing group assessment
Effective assessment begins with a clear understanding of the learning outcomes, skills, and knowledge to be measured. When group tasks align with these objectives, it is essential to:
- plan how groups will form,
- support students’ collaborative processes, and
- establish sound evaluation strategies.
Thoughtfully designed group assessments not only deepen student engagement, but also foster essential teamwork skills that extend beyond university studies (University of New South Wales [UNSW], 2023).
"Beyond career readiness, group assignments purportedly bear pedagogical fruit."
- Thom, 2020, p.258.
Group assessments offer several benefits that individual assessments do not, including:
- Developing teamwork skills: Group work helps students to develop skills in communication, active listening, task delegation, and resolving conflicts, all of which are essential in the workplace.
- Promoting peer learning: Students teach and learn from each other. This peer-to-peer interaction often deepens their understanding of the subject matter and builds confidence.
- Encouraging diverse perspectives: Group work brings together students with different ideas, backgrounds, and strengths. This diversity encourages viewing problems from multiple viewpoints, leading to richer discussions and better problem-solving.
- Tackling complex problems: Many real-world challenges require collaborative problem-solving, which group assessments replicate.
Effective group assessments considered planning in the design, implementation, and grading and evaluation stages.
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When designing group work assessment, carefully consider the following:
- Clear objectives and outcomes: Align the assessment task with the subject and course learning outcomes. Begin by defining what students will learn and achieve through the group task. This will ensure the assessment is constructively aligned with the subject and course goals, and supports both students and teaching staff in focusing on the intended knowledge and skills.
- Meaningful and engaging tasks: Ensure that the assessment is directly related to the subject content and applicable to real-world scenarios, to ensure its relevance and appeal for students. Tasks that are interesting and closely related to students’ future careers encourage deeper learning and promote collaboration (Tumpa et al., 2022).
- Manageable workload: Tasks should be complex enough to require collaboration but manageable and achievable within the available time and resources. A well-designed group task can also help to reduce the marking load for staff, especially when dealing with large cohorts. Using digital tools, such as the FeedbackFruits suite, may assist in managing group work tasks.
Group-based assessments should evaluate both the product (e.g., essay report, oral presentation, video) and the process (e.g., teamwork, communication) (Tumpa et al., 2022).
A high-quality product is important for helping a student achieve a high grade, but grading the product alone may not reveal how well individual students contributed toward the final product.
When considering how to evaluate group member contributions to the process, it is helpful to start with your subject's learning outcomes. There are several key aspects in the process that relate to how students approach and manage the challenges of the assessment. Consider the following:
Collaboration and communication:
- How well does the group work together?
- What expectations are in place to ensure that the interpersonal and intergroup communications are inclusive, respectful, and effective?
- Is there a communication and collaboration plan in place so that all group members understand how, when and where they will communicate?
- Were tasks and roles distributed fairly?
- Is there a procedure in place to raise and address concerns?
Giving and accepting feedback and support:
- How open were they to each other in giving and accepting support?
- How well did they receive feedback given by peers?
- Did they demonstrate effective problem-solving skills to manage and resolve difficulties and challenges?
Project management:
- Did they set and meet timelines and milestones for the project?
Once your group assessment has been designed, the next step is to implement it effectively.
Consider the following to implement a group assessment successfully.
- Creating groups: Consider the grouping carefully to foster inclusivity and exposure to diverse perspectives. According to the UOW Assessment and Feedback Policy (2025, clause 41), group formations should maximise the opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion.
- Manageable group size: Small groups may lack the diverse strengths needed for a detailed project, while large groups might struggle with reaching consensus and managing logistics. There is no set rule for the optimum number of students per group but you should consider the nature of the task and aim for groups of 4–5 students.
- Well-defined roles and responsibilities: Support students to establish clear roles within their groups to ensure each member understands their specific tasks and how they contribute to the overall project. This can promotes accountability, and ensures a fair distribution of the workload.
- Effective communication: Encourage students to agree on the most suitable communication channels for their groups. This practice fosters regular interaction, enabling students to share ideas, provide feedback, and resolve conflicts collaboratively.
- Scaffolding: Provide ongoing guidance and scaffolding throughout the assessment to help students navigate challenges and complete key milestones on time. This may include regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and access to resources.
- Submission guidance: Use class time and the Moodle site to provide clear guidance and instructions for submitting the group task. This ensures students can organise for one student to submit the task on behalf of the group.
The Evaluating group member contributions article details the process for giving each student a group mark, with adjustments made based on individual contributions.
Some other aspects that require consideration include:
- Assessment weighting: Assign an appropriate weighting for the group task. The UOW Assessment and Feedback Policy (2025, clause 33) states that a maximum of 40% can be assigned for a group assessment, with flexibility to increase it to 50% if the learning outcomes are specifically aligned with group work and the task extends over the duration of the subject.
- Clearly stated criteria and marking rubrics: Provide students with clear assessment criteria and a detailed rubric that outlines how their work will be evaluated. This transparency helps students understand what is expected of them and reduces confusion about the grading process.
Note: For guidance on creating rubrics, please refer to the Rubrics in Assessment L&T Hub article. - Reflective feedback: Incorporating elements such as peer evaluations and self-reflections can help address issues of unequal workload among group members. Consider using student self-reflection and peer evaluation to assess individual contributions. The FeedbackFruits suite of educational tools may provide some assistance here. For more details on evaluation of contributions to a group, refer to Evaluating group member contribution.
Through a deliberate approach to the design, implementation, and evaluation of group assessments, we can foster collaborative engagement while enhancing the overall student experience and supporting successful outcomes that accurately represent students' capabilities.
Related information
- Strategies to facilitate collaboration | L&T Hub article
- Designing peer review and feedback opportunities | L&T Hub article
- Evaluating group member contributions | L&T Hub article
Cornell University (n.d.) Collaborative Learning.
Harvard University (2024). Group Work. The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University.
Johnston, L., & Miles, L. (2004). Assessing contributions to group assignments. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6), 751-768.
Thom, M. (2020). Are group assignments effective pedagogy or a waste of time? A review of the literature and implications for practice. Teaching Public Administration, 38(3), 257-269.
Tumpa, R. J., Skaik, S., Ham, M., & Chaudhry, G. (2022). A holistic overview of studies to improve group-based assessments in higher education: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 14(15), 9638.
University of New South Wales (UNSW) (29 November 2023). Group Work.
University of Wollongong. (2025). Assessment and feedback policy (Version 2).