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Creating rubrics using Turnitin

Note: This article is part of the Turnitin collection.

This article outlines the steps of creating a rubric in the Turnitin Feedback Studio. For an overview of the Turnitin Feedback Studio functionality, please refer to the Turnitin Feedback Studio article.

Note: For more general information on rubrics and their place in assessment practices, please refer to the Rubrics in Assessment article.



Turnitin rubrics empower teaching staff to enhance feedback effectiveness by streamlining the grading workflow and providing targeted, constructive comments aligned with assessment criteria. This facilitates clear communication of strengths and areas for improvement.

Note: For information about the purpose of rubrics in the Turnitin Feedback Studio, refer to the Rubrics in Turnitin article.



Before you begin creating a rubric, consider the following:

  • The newly created rubric will be stored in your rubric library and is available for use in any Turnitin activity you create in any Moodle site.
  • Take care when using the Rubric Manager. Clicking outside the Rubric Manager inadvertently will close the popup window and return you to Moodle without saving your rubric.


There are three points in the assessment workflow at which you can create a rubric:


This is the recommended option as it allows the rubric to be easily linked to the Turnitin activity you are creating.

Note: Please refer to the IMTS Knowledge Base article Create a Turnitin Assignment in Moodle for step-by-step instructions on creating a Turnitin activity.

During the creation of the Turnitin activity, no rubric is set by default in the GradeMark Options section. To launch the Rubric Manager and create a rubric, click the Launch Rubric Manager link.Moodle - Turnitin - Grademark Options - Launch Rubric Manager

Further instructions on how to create the three different types of rubrics within the Rubric Manager can be found in the Turnitin Creating a rubric or grading form during assignment creation resource.

Once you have created your new rubric, close the Rubric Manager. You can then select the newly created rubric in the Attach a rubric to this assignment dropdown menu and finish setting up the Turnitin activity.



If you have already created your Turnitin activity, you can still create and attach a rubric. Access the Rubric Manager through either of the following ways:

  • Access Rubric Manager via Submission Inbox
    1. Click on the Turnitin activity in your subject Moodle site to open the Submission Inbox.
    2. Click the Launch Rubric Manager icon.
      Moodle - Turnitin - Submission Inbox - Rubric Manager
  • Access Rubric Manager via editing the Turnitin activity settings

    1. Locate the Turnitin activity in your Moodle site and click the Edit button, then select the Edit Settings option.
      Moodle - Turnitin Assignment - Edit - Edit Settings
    2. In the GradeMark Options section, click the Launch Rubric Manager link.
      Turnitin - GradeMark Options - Launch Rubric Manager Link

The Rubric Manager will now appear in a popup window.

Further instructions on how to create the three different types of rubrics within the Rubric Manager can be found in the Turnitin Creating a rubric or grading form during assignment creation resource.

Once you’ve created your new rubric, close the Rubric Manager. Follow the instructions in the Attach a rubric to a Turnitin activity section in the Marking using rubrics in Turnitin article to use this rubric for the Turnitin activity.



To ensure transparency of grading criteria, rubrics should be shared with students ahead of submission where possible. It is however possible to add a rubric in Turnitin after students have made submissions in the Turnitin activity. For instructions, refer to the Turnitin Creating a rubric or grading form after student submission resource.

Follow the instructions in the Attach a rubric to a Turnitin activity section in the Marking using rubrics in Turnitin article if you need to use the rubric in a Turnitin activity in your subject Moodle site.


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